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Body Psychotherapy

Working with Esther or William Diplock
  • Are you sick of talking about your problems? 

  • Do you intuitively know you need more than self-knowledge to shift stubborn patterns?

  • Are you fearful of the demands of life? 

  • Are you so angry, you find it difficult to physically control your rage? 

  • Does life feel like too much effort and you’d rather just have another nap?

  • Are you willing to take action, move your body and experience freedom of self-expression? 


If this resonates with you, it's likely you're a good candidate for Body Psychotherapy. 


What to expect


Body Psychotherapy is a powerful tool to open blocks and free life force. With it comes an increase of energy and awareness. In theory, it seems like something everyone would want. In reality, our instinct to avoid pain and discomfort, to stay within our 'comfort zone'--no matter how uncomfortable--is almost super-human.


This work allows you to shed negative muscle memory and reconnect to an energy supply that has been unavailable to you, precisely because it was repressed and held in.



Together, we'll channel this powerful energy, ground and integrate it.

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Lorryn's Story

When I began seeing Esther for counselling, I was body illiterate and very sceptical about the value of working with the body in psychotherapy.


Now I have a trusting, compassionate and loving relationship with my body, which has been integral to richer, more expansive, and more authentic ways of being in my personal life and relationships and my professional work in the counselling field.


Esther has empowered me to relate to my body and myself with more understanding, compassion, trust and respect via her commitment to her own relationship with her body and its wisdom, her training in body psychotherapy, her consistent invitations to tune into my body’s felt sense at pertinent moments in sessions, her perceptiveness when the slightest changes in my body and face indicate areas to be explored in sessions and her deep respect for when I have needed to say no to doing different types of body and breathwork.


Her uncompromising attention to safety and relational authenticity, evidenced in how she respects boundaries and choice and how she brings her attentive, thoughtful and playful self to our therapeutic relationship has been the most invaluable aspect of my therapeutic work with her.



Lorryn Davies, Counsellor & Lecturer,


“The purpose of life is for each of us to fulfill
our potential as human beings.”   
John Pierrakos


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From the Resonance we create Together, you will…


  • Experience safe, rewarding relationship

  • Gain mastery of empowering tools and techniques.

  • Clear blocks limiting your potential and fulfillment.

  • Step towards personal empowerment.

  • Identify your unique strengths and challenges.

  • Celebrate your shift from surviving to thriving.

  • Show up in your life and impact the world.

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Loving your creation

Esther and William Diplock are united in their commitment to share the joy of personal transformation with you. Their professional experience and singular chemistry fuels the exceptional results their clients experience.

©  Resonance Together 2021

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