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Image by Jim Carroll

Gender Equity & Reconciliation International (GERI) Courses

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Courses & Professional Facilitator Training

Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) organises programs for transformational healing and reconciliation between women, men, and people of all genders and sexual orientations. Gender Equity and Reconciliation recognizes the profound wound in the human family constellated around cultural conditioning relating to gender, sexuality, and relational intimacy. 

We (Esther & William) are Trainers and Facilitators of Gender Equity and Reconciliation International (GERI) as well as coordinators for the work in Australia. Transforming gender injustice into beloved community is a passion and a deep privilege. We would love to see more facilitators trained to offer these courses in Australia.

Programs are offered in both online and in person formats.

These include: 

  • 1 hour Experiential Introduction to GERI

  • Six-session Online Introductory Course

  • 3 day Introductory Workshop, in person

  • GERI Professional Facilitator Training

We invite you to find out more and join us in this work by applying for an ONLINE course or training at the GERI website, and signing up to receive newsletters about upcoming programs.

If you are interested in this work IN PERSON in our Australian context and wish to be a participant, or to train as a facilitator please contact us. 

To book for the upcoming 3-day GERI Introductory Workshop, held by William and Esther, IN PERSON, in Brisbane, QLD. Please Register Now. 


  • Are you ready for a remarkable journey of self-discovery and empathy? 
  • Do you crave a safe nurturing environment for open sharing?  
  • Are you willing for your perspective to evolve as you listen to diverse human experiences?

This unique workshop will open in you a profound sense of compassion and understanding of your own and others gender stories. We invite you to come together to speak the depths of your truth, experience the power of collective healing, and transmute dysfunctional gender conditioning into Beloved Community.

Developed over 30 years, and conducted with thousands of participants on six continents, the GERI process applies principles of Truth and Reconciliation to open new pathways to healing, respect, intimacy & collaboration between the genders. All women, men, LGBTIQA+ are welcome. Whether single or part of a couple, whatever your faith, cultural background, sexual orientation and gender identity, we all have an important role to play in our collective healing.

Venue: Deception Bay Environmental Hub,

7 Joseph Crescent, Deception Bay, QLD 4508

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Deep truth-telling and earnest dialogue across the gender divisions in the human family is profoundly transformative - and urgently needed everywhere, yet exists almost nowhere today.  
It occurs in this work.  Come and join us.  

In order to discover more about this work and the founders, 
Will Keepin and Cynthia Brix we recommend you read:

Gender Equity & Reconciliation: Thirty Years of Healing the Most Ancient Wound in the Human Family

This book outlines the practical process, the power and heartfelt stories of the Gender Equity and Reconciliation Work.

Will Keepin and Rev Cynthia Brix

with Karambu Ringera, Garrett Evans, Desiree English, William Diplock, Esther Diplock, Lucille Meyer, Silvia Araya, Myra Kinds, Jorge Rico, Samantha Van Schalkwyk,  Ansar Anwar, Laurie Gaum, Harin Jeong, Jabu Mashinini, Tristan Johannes, Michele Breene, Julien Devereux 

Belonging to God: Science, Spirituality and a Universal Path of Divine Love

This book contains a brief overview of three Faith Traditions: Muslim, Christianity, and Hinduism showing their interconnectedness to the Path of Divine Love.

Will Keepin

Anatomy of Silence

As a result of the Me-Too Movement, this book gives voice to twenty-six stories about what it means to stay silent, to be silenced, and to break the silence that surrounds sexual violence.  One of the stories is written by Esther and shares the power of the Gender Equity and Reconciliation process.

Cyra Perry Dougherty 

Supervision Groups
Image by Jim Carroll

Group Supervision - Online & In Person

Video Conference
Group Supervision 
Online & In Person Options

We (both Esther and William) offer counsellors, therapists, clergy, chaplains and other people helpers the opportunity to participate in Group Supervision.


Group supervision is facilitator-led via a formal, prearranged process that is agreed by the supervisor and supervisees. The makeup of the group depends on the goals of the supervision.


Group supervision is a complement to, rather than substitute for, one-to-one supervision, though it may reduce the frequency with which one-to-one supervision is needed.


Group supervision is offered both online and in person. 


If you are at all interested in finding out about the opportunity to join a group, or you would like to form a group and you are looking for a supervisor, please contact us.

Image by Jim Carroll

Moving Your Creation Sessions

Facilitated by Esther

Energise & Rejuvenate your Body, Mind, Spirit

Many of us have been too scared to let ourselves open up, move, breath, feel, stretch and express who we are inside.  


And yet, and yet and yet... we keep touching the parts of us that long to let our bodies move and seek the freedom of full self-expression.  

These sessions are designed to gently and boldly invite you into connection with yourself, through movement and breath work.  

You are welcome whatever your body shape, level of flexibility & age (over 18). 



It is your choice to move as much or as little as you want.  If you have injuries, pain or feel self-conscious you are invited to work within your own limits and adapt movements to suit your own body (or just don’t do that particular movement).  The purpose is to move towards pleasure not pain.

The sessions are based on principles of Core Energetics, a form of Body Psychotherapy and can be highly supportive for those who are engaged in their own therapeutic process.  


Many of us store emotions and trauma in the musculature of our bodies which need to be softened and stretched in order to allow us to release them and heal. 


These sessions are designed to lead you through a 4 step process.

We will:

1. Charge your body using breath & movement

2. Invite self expression

3. Discharge held in muscular tensions

4. Finish with letting go into rest

As your facilitator I am passionate about

full self-expression and living life

with freedom and enthusiasm.

Freedom is being you without anyone’s permission

Image by Jim Carroll

Life Enhancing Workshops

Coming Soon


We offer Life Enhancing Workshops on a range of topics. 

These will be announced here and through our Newsletter, Blog and Social Media. 


Please click the link below to express your interest in attending a particular workshop. 


Workshop topics include:


  • Strengthen your Relationship

  • Finding silence in the busyness of life

  • Let’s talk about sex

  • What it means to be Masculine?

  • Moving Your Creation

    • Full Day Workshop – Using movement, breath and sound to support your body in exploring life and vitality.

  • Living Your Creation

    • Full Day Workshop – Using movement and creative expression to explore your desires, taking a step into manifesting your life purpose in the world.

Barry's Journey

Over the years, I have worked with and been part of many professional and personal development groups. Esther and William's facilitation showed an exemplary level of empathy, compassion and honesty creating a safe space for me to be vulnerable and open my heart. The result has been a deeper understanding of myself and others.

Barry Auchettl,  M.Ed, 

Principal of


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From the Resonance we create Together, you will…

  • Experience safe, rewarding relationship

  • Gain mastery of empowering tools and techniques.

  • Clear blocks limiting your potential and fulfillment.

  • Step towards personal empowerment.

  • Identify your unique strengths and challenges.

  • Celebrate your shift from surviving to thriving.

  • Show up in your life and impact the world.

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Loving your creation

Esther and William Diplock are united in their commitment to share the joy of personal transformation with you. Their professional experience and singular chemistry fuels the exceptional results their clients experience.

©  Resonance Together 2021

This site was built with love by LEILA & Webtoday

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